- 註冊時間
- 2006-3-13
- 最後登錄
- 2024-8-25
- 在線時間
- 673 小時
- 閱讀權限
- 200
- 積分
- 417
- 帖子
- 1107
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- 0
- 2
FastReport 3.X 在 Win9X 下的中文折行亂碼問題
修改 frxGraphicUtils.pas
- procedure TfrxDrawText.WrapTextLine(s: string; Width, FirstLineWidth,
- CharSpacing: Integer);
- var
- n, i, Offset, LineBegin, LastSpace, BreakPos: Integer;
- sz: TSize;
- TheWord: string;
- WasBreak: Boolean;
- //俄文換行
- function BreakWord(const s: string; LineBegin, CurPos, LineEnd: Integer):
- string;
- var
- i, BreakPos: Integer;
- TheWord, Breaks: string;
- begin
- // get the whole word
- i := CurPos;
- while (i <= LineEnd) and (Pos(s[i], ' .,-;') = 0) do
- Inc(i);
- TheWord := Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin);
- // get available break positions
- Breaks := BreakRussianWord(AnsiUpperCase(TheWord));
- // find the closest position
- BreakPos := CurPos - LineBegin;
- for i := Length(Breaks) downto 1 do
- if Ord(Breaks[i]) < BreakPos then
- begin
- BreakPos := Ord(Breaks[i]);
- break;
- end;
- if BreakPos <> CurPos - LineBegin then
- Result := Copy(TheWord, 1, BreakPos) else
- Result := '';
- end;
- begin
- // remove all HTML tags and build the tag list
- FHTMLTags.NewLine;
- FHTMLTags.ExpandHTMLTags(s);
- FHTMLTags.FPosition := FHTMLTags.FPosition + 2;
- n := Length(s);
- if (n < 2) or not FWordWrap then // no need to wrap a string with 0 or 1 symbol
- begin
- FText.Add(s);
- Exit;
- end;
- // 字符間空隙和計算寬度
- // get the intercharacter spacing table and calculate the width
- sz.cx := FHTMLTags.FillCharSpacingArray(FTempArray, s, FCanvas,
- FHTMLTags.Count - 1, CharSpacing, True);
- // 不需換行
- // text fits, no need to wrap it
- if sz.cx < FirstLineWidth then
- begin
- FText.Add(s);
- Exit;
- end;
- Offset := 0; // 偏移量
- i := 1;
- LineBegin := 1; // index of the first symbol in the current line
- LastSpace := 1; // index of the last space symbol in the current line
- while i <= n do
- begin
- if s[i] = ' ' then
- LastSpace := i;
- if FTempArray[i] - Offset > FirstLineWidth then // need wrap
- begin
- if LastSpace = LineBegin then // there is only one word without spaces...
- begin
- if i <> LineBegin then // ... and it has more than 1 symbol
- begin
- if FWordBreak then // 俄文換行
- begin
- TheWord := BreakWord(s, LineBegin, i, n); //俄文換行
- WasBreak := TheWord <> '';
- if not WasBreak then
- TheWord := Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin);
- if WasBreak then
- FText.Add(TheWord + '-') else
- FText.Add(TheWord);
- BreakPos := Length(TheWord);
- FHTMLTags.Wrap(BreakPos, WasBreak);
- LastSpace := LineBegin + BreakPos - 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- // mbSingleByte 表示了一個完整的字符時,
- // mbLeadByte 表示一個雙字節字符的頭一個字節
- // mbTrailByte 表示一個雙字節字符的第二個字節
- //todo: [2005-07-29] 狂迷修改中文换行
- if ByteType(s, i - 1) = mbLeadByte then //判断是否是漢字字節
- begin
- FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin -1));
- FHTMLTags.Wrap(i - LineBegin -1, False);
- LastSpace := i - 2;
- end
- else
- begin
- FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, i - LineBegin));
- FHTMLTags.Wrap(i - LineBegin, False);
- LastSpace := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FText.Add(s[LineBegin]);
- // can't wrap 1 symbol, just add it to the new line
- FHTMLTags.Wrap(1, False);
- end;
- end
- else // we have a space symbol inside
- begin
- if FWordBreak then
- begin
- TheWord := BreakWord(s, LastSpace + 1, i, n);
- WasBreak := TheWord <> '';
- if WasBreak then
- FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, LastSpace - LineBegin + 1) + TheWord +
- '-') else
- FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, LastSpace - LineBegin));
- BreakPos := LastSpace - LineBegin + Length(TheWord) + 1;
- FHTMLTags.Wrap(BreakPos, WasBreak);
- if WasBreak then
- LastSpace := LineBegin + BreakPos - 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, LastSpace - LineBegin));
- FHTMLTags.Wrap(LastSpace - LineBegin + 1, False);
- end;
- end;
- Offset := FTempArray[LastSpace]; // starting a new line
- Inc(LastSpace);
- LineBegin := LastSpace;
- FirstLineWidth := Width; // this line is not first, so use Width
- end;
- Inc(i);
- end;
- if n - LineBegin + 1 > 0 then // put the rest of line to FText
- FText.Add(Copy(s, LineBegin, n - LineBegin + 1));
- end;
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