bestlong 怕失憶論壇's Archiver

bestlong 發表於 2010-10-16 11:28

PHP框架 - Agavi

Agavi is a powerful, scalable PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC paradigm. It enables developers to write clean, maintainable and extensible code. Agavi puts choice and freedom over limiting conventions, and focuses on sustained quality rather than short-sighted decisions.

Agavi 是 “一个强大并且可伸缩的采用 MVC 范式的 PHP5 应用程序框架。”它为构建和部署基于 PHP 的 Web 应用程序提供全面的工具,并为安全性、数据缓存、国际化、输入验证和数据库抽象提供内置支持。


Introduction to MVC Programming with Agavi:
[url=]Part 1: Open a whole new world with Agavi[/url]
[url=]Part 2: Add forms and database support with Agavi and Doctrine[/url]
[url=]Part 3: Add authentication and administrative functions with Agavi[/url]
[url=]Part 4: Create an Agavi search engine with multiple output types including XML, RSS, or SOAP[/url]
[url=]Part 5: Add paging, file uploads, and custom input validators to your Agavi application[/url]
[url=]Implement access control with Agavi[/url]
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