CuteFlow - Open Source document circulation/workflow system
Cuteflow 是一套特別針對表單的工作流程管理系統,它是一個 web-based 的系統,可以取代傳統的紙本的工業方式。一般 Cuteflow 的管理者會先定義表單欄位,再把它們放入文件樣板,最後設定執行人員的清單。當有新的工作時,一般使用者可以開始一個工作流程,將表單一個接著一個關卡的傳送至清單中的使用者。每一位收到表單的使用者,可以把工作寫入表單的欄位中,並決定是否將表單傳遞給下一個關卡的使用者,直到流程結束。CuteFlow is a webbased open source document circulation and workflow system. Users are able to define "documents" which are send step by step to every station/user in a list.
It's an electronical way for doing (i.e. internal) document circulations. A document can be assembled from input fields of different types. The fields can be filled with values by the receiver of the document directly in the users E-Mail-Client. After a completed circulation you will have a completely filled document. Also attachments to the document are possible (i.e. for illustration material).
All operations like starting a workflow, tracking, workflow-definition or status observation can be done within a comfortable and easy to use webinterface.