bestlong 怕失憶論壇's Archiver

bestlong 發表於 2011-7-7 15:48

[ASP] 2003 Server IIS 6 碰上 BASP21 與 CDONTS 元件

資料來源 [url][/url]


使用 BASP21 元件的 ASP 程式需安裝 BASP21-2003-0211 版,才能正常運作,下載點如下:


下載 BASP21-2003-0211.exe (1.44MB) 2003/02/11 Update!


BASP21.DLL Main COM Component
BREGEXP.DLL for Regular Expression Engine
BCOUNT.DLL for Counter Engine
BSENDM.EXE Command Line SendMail Engine
COPY到 windows\system32\ 下
執行 regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\Basp21.dll
使用 BASP21 元件的 ASP 程式即可正常運作!
BASP21 元件根據我自己在 WIN2003 上實測並無發生上述 ERROR,安裝 BASP21-2003-0211 版,即可正常運作

二、IIS6 上傳下載檔案大小限制設定:

2003 Server IIS 6 用 BASP21 元件上傳檔案時,只要檔案超過 200K 就會發生 ASP 0104 '80004005' 的錯誤,
要求物件 錯誤 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
不允許的操作,原來是 web server 的內定值被限制,只要依下列步驟修改,即可!

A NOTE: Before making changes to this file. You must first go to IIS and right click the server and select properties. Check the box that says allow changes to MetaBase configuration while IIS is running. If you don't you will find that the metabase.xml file is locked. For good house cleaning you should go back and uncheck this after making your changes.

該檔案由於被 IIS 系統使用中
請於 IIS 管理員中,於[本機電腦]上點右鍵
選擇[內容]進入後,將[啟用直接編輯 metabase 檔案] 勾選
即可變更 metabase.xml 檔案內容。

IIS 6.0: upload and download issues
If any of you are having issues with uploads and downloads with file sizes greater than 200K and are running IIS 6.0, try these solutions first: open up the file "metabase.xml" with notepad...should be located in C:\windows\sytem32\inetserv. Find the variable named "AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed", it's set at 204800 (200K) and change it to the desired size. And there you have it. For downloading Find the variable named "AspBufferingLimit" and change it to something greater than what is there. By default this is set to around 4 megs. By changing this variable you are increasing the max size of ASP response buffer, thus letting you download files greater than 4 megs. By increasing the number of these variables, you can controll the size of uploads and downloads (respectively).

以記事本開啟 C:\windows\sytem32\inetserv\metabase.xml 上傳限制:
找尋 AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed 字串
將 204800 (200K) 修改成你要的數字
找尋 AspBufferingLimit 字串
預設 4MB ,將它修改成你要的數字

修改自 [url][/url] 作者 jasoncash
原文參考 [url][/url] 作者 ib1boss

三、IIS6 無法使用 CDONTS 元件
萬芳與石牌的程式很多都用到 CDONTS 元件來寄發電子郵件,但是在IIS6會出現
錯誤 'ASP 0115' 意外的錯誤
伺服器物件錯誤 'ASP 0115:8000ffff'
這是因為2003 Server IIS 6安裝完後,並沒有附上cdonts.dll元件,
在 win2000 server winnt\system 下可以找到cdonts.dll,
將它 copy 到 2003 server 的 windows\system32 下,
再執行 regsvr32 c:\winnt\system32\cdonts.dll
頁: [1]

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